This past holiday weekend I finally got some " Goblin Time ". The plan was to ride the
Berryman Trail, a 24 mile loop on Sat, then ride
Council Bluff trail , 12 mile loop on Sun, and on Mon, ride the
GORC Firecracker Epic , about 40 miles in 3 County Parks connected by the
Katy Trail. I have learned that just because I plan it, doesn't mean it will happen.
We were on the Berryman by 11:30 Sat. It was a stifling 100 degrees on the trail with absolutely no wind. To make it short, my body freaked and I had trouble breathing. I have never felt this miserable and could not overcome it.
However, my legs felt great and could have gone all day. After riding 12 miles of sweet trail and 3 of gravel, I was cooked. Tomorrow is another day.
The Goblin was quite impressive his first time out. Riding gears in the Cali sand was way easier than on the Mo trails. There are plenty of roots and rocks here to navigate and hills to climb. The SRAM X7 2x10 shifters were very smooth considering I was behind them. I have a bit of a learning curve here since 80% of my mountain biking has been on a single speed. There were several climbs, and you know how I like to climb. I quickly found out there was no way I could stand and mash one out in the heat. I sat patiently and spinned right up them. After a nice long hill I said " Holy Sh*t, this bike climbs like a goat". And I mean it. I even climbed sections I have difficulty with on my ss. Mr. Goblin cornered very well and rolled through switchbacks with ease. I am liking that.

The Kenda small block 8's were a good choice for this trail. They rolled easily over the roots and rocks. The San Marco saddle was comfy, but this was a short ride. Saddles are a personal choice and NOT one kind fits all. As of now , it's not an issue.
Sunday at Council Bluff was a much better experience. Mother Nature made it rain and then killed the heat entirely. It was 75 degrees by 4pm . It was 'Goblin time' again. We spent the next few hours with
Mitch the Mashor. What a treat.
We started by bushwacking a few miles before we got to the trail. While we rode I worried I was knicking and scratching my brand new bike. Upon inspection, there was no sign of the abuse. I even dropped it once. Honestly, he threw me, but there are two sides to every story.
We came to a HUGE rocky downhill section where I found that the
RockShox Reba RL fork did it's job. It absorbed the shock of the terrain very well. I did end up falling once, under the bike, and decide to walk the really rough stuff so I could ride tomorrow.
Sunday was a huge confidence builder. Council Bluff hosts several technical climbs that I have difficulty finishing. Not this time though. The Goblin and I nailed 'em.
There has been a lot said about the weight of this bike. All I am going to say for now is.... It ain't that heavy!
Monday's Firecracker Epic was cancelled. Yup, it rained . I can't wait to hop on this bike again and ride the trails I am fortunate to be close to. Maybe my plans will actually work out. Stay tuned.....