Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Biking to Preschool

I remember the good old days when every kid rode their bike to school. If you got there late you would have to stand your bike up next to a tree because the bike racks were full. Most of the bike racks , these days , have been removed from schools. Today my 4.5 yr old rode to preschool. The ride took us 30 minutes, its almost 3 miles. I rode behind her while Jim followed closely in the Jeep. We had sidewalk the entire way. She chatted the whole way about how happy she was to be riding her bike to school. She arrived with a red, flushed face, so we informed her teacher why. Her teacher said she was impressed and would let Syd share how she got to school with the other kids. I am so proud of her and look forward to riding with her again on Friday. I just hope she not too mad when I go to pick her up with the truck!!!

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