Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 11 of 12

This week was busy with my surgery consult for my eyes and with Sydney's Pre-school Graduation. Thank goodness it was a taper week. I have been working on getting my head right and getting my gear together. My bike got the royal treatment at The Hub and is in perfect shape to ride some 204 miles of Kansas gravel.

Mon- Road 10 miles

Tues- OFF

Wed- OFF

Thur- Road 25 miles

Fri- Road 15 miles

Sat- Hiking at Taum Sauk - sleeping in the trees

Sun- Hiking out of Taum Sauk

Only 50 miles of biking this week and about 8-10 hiking.
Looks more like a recovery week than a taper week.

I was not going to cram in any more miles this weekend. It's just not necessary at this stage of the game. I spent the weekend with Sydney and Jim and do not regret it. DK200 is this coming Sat., June 4th. It is also Jim's birthday. What a way to spend it huh?


  1. We've spent some great hours hiking at Taum Sauk. Love it down in that area. Your training has been strong, and family time matters. Can't wait to hear about DK!

  2. Who is the skinny guy in the last pick?

    Taum Sauk.....have not been there since, I dunno....1985?
